
Department of Engineering
204 Rhoades Robinson Hall, CPO 2360
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Office: 828.251.6640
Fax: 828.251.6749


Faculty and Staff



The engineering programs activities at UNC Asheville are located in Rhoades Robinson Hall (RRO). Our office and faculty offices are in RRO 204.

Student Computer Lab – RRO 206

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Study and collaboration space exclusively for engineering students.  Software of both UNC Asheville and NC State is available.  Additional engineering computers are available in RRO 203 and RRO 001b.

Large Interactive Video Studio Classroom – RRO 112

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This large state-of-the-art interactive studio classroom is used for receiving distance education courses from NC State College of Engineering as well as live lectures and problem sessions.  Capacity 36.


Design Studio – RRO 052

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This shop and design facility is located in the bottom of Rhoades Tower.  Shop equipment includes 3D printers, lathe, milling machine, saws, welding, drill press, brake press and hand tools.  Training and supervision provided by a full-time design studio manager. This facility has expanded to include STEAM Design Studio (see below).

STEAM Studio at the RAMP

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The Steam Studio at the RAMP (River Arts Makers Place) is located adjacent to the UNC Asheville campus at 91 Riverside Drive.  UNC Asheville has created an 11,000 square foot innovation and creation maker space for use by engineering students as well as those in other majors such as art.  An extensive woodshop, metal shop and flexible project space make this an ideal learning environment.  Read more about the STEAM Studio.


Mechatronics Lab – RRO 001b

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This design space is used by students of all levels for project work as well as classroom instruction.


Large Interactive Video Studio Classroom – RAM 001

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This large state-of-the-art interactive studio classroom is used for receiving distance education courses from NC State College of Engineering as well as live lectures and problem sessions.  Located in the basement level of Ramsey Library.  Capacity 40.

Small Interactive Video Studio Classroom – RRO 203

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This state-of-the-art interactive studio classroom is used for receiving distance education courses from NC State College of Engineering as well as live lectures, labs and problem sessions.  Capacity 18.

Duke Energy Senior Design Lab – RRO 001a

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This design space is reserved for seniors and provides space for the development of the capstone design projects.