Engineering Enhancement Fee FAQ

For Engineering Students – Engineering Enhancement Fee

Initially, the fee will be set at a level no higher than $500 per year in the first year (2018-19). The fee will be set at a maximum of $1,000 per year in the second year (2019-20). The fee is charged each semester based on the number of Engineering course credit hours in which the student is enrolled.

2020-21 Semester Charges for Engineering Courses (E, ECE, ENGR, JEM, MAE, MSE):

  • 1-4 hours: $125 per semester
  • 5-8 hours: $250 per semester
  • 9 or more hours: $500 per semester

Why are fees being charged?

Additional funding is necessary to provide a student-centered engineering education at the level of excellence consistent with our accreditor’s standards. Engineering education is costly, particularly because it is most effective with smaller class sizes and with equipment and laboratories that are at the forefront of technology. Furthermore, the professional development and preparation that happens outside of the course schedule is more necessary as the field continues to evolve.

These fees enable the University to provide the high-quality learning environment that students desire. Like the basic tuition and fees, these additional amounts help to cover indirect costs associated with UNC Asheville’s role as North Carolina’s public liberal arts university. The amount that students pay in tuition and required fees represents a sizable and important investment in their future. However, student payments alone do not cover the full cost of providing any of UNC Asheville’s educational programs. Even after state appropriations are included, Engineering programs require supplemental tuition or student fees in order to provide the leading-edge learning experiences and facilities that students need.

What will the Engineering fee be used for?

The fee will be used to support the activities of students in both the 2+2 Engineering Program and the Joint Mechatronics Engineering Program, including:

  • Purchase and upgrade of equipment
  • Upgrade and expansion of Engineering program infrastructure and laboratory facilities
  • Senior research projects (supplies, travel, and related costs not covered by the NCSU College of Engineering budget to UNC Asheville)
  • Undergraduate research (travel for research purposes, travel to conferences, and related costs)
  • Development of career readiness and Engineering entrepreneurship programs
  • Annual seminar series and high-profile speakers
  • Professional development for students and faculty

Do other schools have similar fees?

Yes, our primary collaborating partner in the Joint Mechatronics Engineering degree, NC State University, has had a fee of this kind for several years. It increased to $1500 in the 2018-19 academic year.

Other engineering schools and programs within the UNC System and in the COPLAC Consortium also have similar fees. UNC Asheville’s Engineering fee is in line with other fees of its type, as is its overall cost of attendance. It is important to note that our 2+2 Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering degrees are accredited, while other institutions’ programs may not be.